When Does My Child Need Vision Training Exercises?
Vision training exercises may sound like a formal term, but it may be more practical than you're picturing. For example, children already train their eyes on a regular basis, whether they're looking from a test to a blackboard or on the horizon from the playground. [...]
The Different Kinds of Dry Eye
Are your eyes bothering you? You might have a disease called dry eye. But what is dry eye, and what causes it? Your optometrist in North Syracuse, NY, can go over everything about dry eye with you. [...]
Is Pink Eye Always Pink?
Pink eye in North Syracuse, NY is a common disorder largely associated with children, even though anyone can get it. Because its color characterizes it, conjunctivitis is fairly easy to spot. [...]
The Pros and Cons of LASIK
For many, LASIK, short for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, has been a transformative vision correction procedure that has improved their quality of life in addition to helping them to see better. Yet, it’s not for everyone. Your optometrist in North Syracuse, NY at McPherson Optometry P.C. [...]
Is My Teenager a Good Candidate for Contact Lenses?
Contact lenses help us see. Contacts are a great product that can help you enjoy clear vision without wearing eyeglasses. Many teenagers want to wear contact lenses instead of eyeglasses. Some teenagers like seeing their face without their glasses. [...]
Effects of Makeup on Eye Health
For many people, wearing makeup is just an everyday part of life. Makeup often helps to enhance certain features, and can imbue confidence. Wearing eye makeup, in particular, is common, even when a person eschews other kinds of makeup. [...]
Choosing Frames to Accentuate Your Face
The next time you visit McPherson Optometry to buy eyeglasses or sunglasses, take a moment to consider the best eyeglass frames in North Syracuse, NY to frame your particular face shape. [...]
Could Your Child Have Lazy Eye or Cross Eyes?
Lazy eye in North Syracuse NY, formally known as Amblyopia, causes children to have poor vision in one eye only. Unfortunately, the condition can become permanent when not treated early. [...]
What Are the Signs of Glaucoma? Am I at Risk?
Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can cause permanent eye damage and vision loss. [...]
5 Prescription Sunglass Options
If you wear prescription eyeglasses, you know that you also need a solution for sunglasses. The problem is that, even if you buy quality sunglasses, you may not be able to see clearly since they don’t have the prescription your eyes need to see well. [...]
Corneal Scarring or Corneal Infection: How to Tell the Difference
Corneal scarring and corneal infection are two different conditions that can end up feeling the same. We’ll look at the differences so it’s easier to tell one from the other.
Blurry Vision and Eye Pain: Common Symptoms
Both corneal scarring and infection are typically accompanied by blurry vision. [...]
Tips to Prevent Cataracts
Contrary to popular belief, cataracts are not an unavoidable part of the aging process. Although most people know of at least one other person with cataracts, this condition can be prevented. [...]
Custom Eyeglass Lens Options
When it comes to getting eyeglasses in North Syracuse, NY, you have a lot of options to choose from. You already know that you can pick from various frames in various materials, shapes, colors, and designs. [...]
Is Blepharitis Easy to Treat?
Blepharitis is the medical term for irritated or itchy eyelids. As a general rule, it is a relatively easy condition to treat, though the treatment is typically more ongoing than a one-and-done solution. [...]
Understanding Your Eyeglasses Prescription
When you get your prescription eyeglasses in North Syracuse, NY, the technician will get the prescription filled with the eyeglass frames of your choice. All you have to worry about is what kinds of frames you want and whether you want certain lens coatings or other features. [...]
4 Ways to Prevent Dry Eye This Winter
Dry eye is a condition that can cause discomfort in a variety of ways. Dry eyes can lead to itching, redness, excess tears, and more. [...]
3 Benefits of Low Vision Therapy
Low vision is a type of vision disorder that can’t be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. However, just because standard solutions don’t apply, doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways to help people see better (regardless of where they’re starting). [...]
What Do the Numbers Mean in My Eyeglasses Prescription?
When you get an eyeglass prescription in North Syracuse, NY, you may wonder what all the cryptic numbers actually mean. Typically, your optometrist hands you a prescription, which you hand over to an optometric technician when you order your frames. [...]
The Dangers of Wearing Daily Disposable Contacts for Longer Than a Day
Here are a few consequences of wearing your disposables for longer than a day.
Dry Eye
Wearing your disposable contacts longer than a day will generally result in dry eye. This is because disposables don’t allow moisture to get to your eye. [...]
Best Ways to Treat Blepharitis
Blepharitis refers to an inflammation of the eyelids, and it’s a condition that affects around 25 million people in the US alone. [...]
Can Your Eyes Get Sunburned?
Need another good reason to get prescription sunglasses in North Syracuse, NY? If so, the fact that your eyes can get sunburned may be all you need to know to spur your decision. [...]
How Often Should Eye Prescriptions Be Updated?
Understanding when to update eye prescriptions is a crucial part of maintaining good ocular health. In North Syracuse, NY eye prescriptions can be updated with a simple visit to your eye doctor. [...]
What's the Best Way to Clean Contact Lenses?
Contact lenses present a subtle and convenient solution for vision correction, offering a welcome alternative to traditional eyeglasses. [...]
The Pros and Cons of Transition Lenses
Do you hate having to change from your regular glasses to your prescription sunglasses every time you go outside? If so, you might want to talk with your optometrist in North Syracuse, NY about getting transition lenses. [...]
The Effects of Corrective Lenses on Common Eye Conditions
Pretty much everyone everywhere is familiar with eyeglasses. And possibly, you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses yourself because they help you to see better close up, far away, or both. [...]
5 Food Groups That Are Good for Your Eyes
Any optometrist in North Syracuse, NY will tell you that your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body. Therefore, you should do everything in your power to keep them healthy. [...]
4 Things You Can Do to Care For Your Eyes in the New Year
Good eye care happens year round. As we close 2022 and enter a new year, this is a time to reflect on what you can do to care for your eyes in 2023. [...]
3 Things to Know About Amblyopia
Amblyopia is more commonly known as lazy eye in North Syracuse, NY, and it typically starts in childhood. While it may seem like little more than a cosmetic problem to onlookers, it’s the most common cause for loss of vision in childhood. [...]
3 Reasons Dry Eyes Tend to Worsen in the Winter
Itchy, watery, irritated eyes are frustrating to contend with, and sometimes, the problem seems to worsen in the winter. It is definitely not your imagination. More people do look for dry eye treatment in North Syracuse, NY through the winter months. [...]
Do Colored Contacts Work for People with an Astigmatism?
If you have an astigmatism in North Syracuse, NY, you might wonder if you can wear colored contacts. This is a relatively common question because the treatment for people with an astigmatism will vary based on the exact shape of their lens. [...]
Keep Losing Your Glasses? These Tips Can Help!
Your glasses are your ticket to clear vision. Whether you're new to wearing glasses or you've been wearing corrective lenses for years, it's important to have a strategy for preventing your glasses from getting lost. The following tips can help you keep track of those specs and avoid loss. [...]
Difference Between Blue Light Blocking Glasses and Computer Glasses
Your optometrist in North Syracuse, NY can offer you a range of specialty eyewear to deal with a range of everyday situations, including computer glasses and blue light-blocking glasses. [...]
Eye Exams Are Especially Important for Older Americans: Here's Why
Routine eye exams are important for people of all ages. However, they become especially vital as you age. Often vision conditions such as macular degeneration or cataracts first make their appearance in people over the age of 40. [...]
What Could be the Reason For Eye Pain?
Although the eyes do have nerve endings, it’s not normal to experience eye pain. Unless you are actually touching the eye, there should be little to no sensation in the eye. [...]
3 Things to Know About Eye Makeup and Your Eyes
From eyeliner to make your eyes pop and shadow to highlight the color of your eyes, eye makeup is a natural part of many beauty routines. [...]
3 Ways Lack of Sleep Affects Your Visual Health
How much sleep have you been getting lately? If you are like a lot of Americans, you simply don't get enough sleep. About 35 percent of American adults get less than the recommended seven hours of sleep every night. [...]
Is LASIK Worth the Risks?
If you have been living with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, you know how inconvenient and uncomfortable it can be. From fuzzy vision to double vision, headaches, and even night driving concerns, dealing with consistent eyesight issues can impact every aspect of your life and leave you searching for treatment. [...]
Can Strabismus be Corrected?
Strabismus is the official term for what is commonly called “crossed eyes.” However, the word strabismus indicates any abnormal alignment of the eyes. In some cases of strabismus, the eyes are not crossed entirely, but focus in slightly different directions. [...]
Could Eyestrain Be Causing Your Headaches?
Just like the other muscles in your body, your eyes get tired, too. When you stare too long at a computer screen, or when you spend long hours texting your friend from a darkened bedroom, you can overtax your eyes. [...]
Is it Safe to Buy Eyeglasses Online?
These days, you can buy almost anything online, including prescription eyeglasses. There are numerous websites and services promising you beautiful—even name brand—eyeglasses at low cost. [...]
Wire Frames Vs. Plastic - Which One Is Right For You?
It's fun to shop for new glasses! When you're trying to pick out new glasses frames, one of the decisions you'll have to make is whether to choose wire frames or plastic. These materials look very different, and also feel and function differently for the glasses wearer. [...]
Why Do I Have Pain Behind My Eyes?
If you’ve recently become aware of pain behind one or both of your eyes, you should book an eye exam with your eye doctor in North Syracuse, NY. [...]
Are Costume Contacts Safe?
Although changing the way your eyes look can be a lot of fun, wearing costume contact lenses (aka decorative or cosmetic contact lenses) can be detrimental to your eye health. [...]
What's Causing Your Blurred Vision?
Does your vision suddenly seem blurry? While there could be a serious issue to blame, more often than not, blurred vision is not an emergency. [...]
Most Common Signs of Computer Vision Syndrome
As digital screens become ever more prevalent, more and more people are developing computer vision syndrome. Also known as digital eye strain, this condition starts causing symptoms after just two hours in front of a computer, tablet, or smartphone screen. [...]
A Look at the Common Types of Eye Injuries
Injuries to the eye can be detrimental to your overall visual capabilities. These eye conditions in North Syracuse can require a visit to the eye doctor as quickly as possible. [...]
Why You Need a New Eyeglass Prescription Every Year
If you wear eyeglasses, you may have had an experience where you visit a doctor from year to year and receive the same prescription. If you keep getting the same bill of health, you might reasonably wonder why the doctor needs to keep writing out the same results. [...]
Children and Visual Health: Myths About Pediatric Eye Exams
Most parents are exceptionally vigilant about their child's health care needs. However, visiting the eye doctor is often something that gets overlooked. Visual assessment and exams are actually just as critical as part of your child's overall healthcare plan. [...]
5 Tips to Avoid Losing Your Glasses
Many people who wear glasses are prone to losing them or forgetting them. Losing your glasses can be a great inconvenience - and also an expensive problem if you paid a lot of money for them. There are many things you can do to avoid losing your glasses. [...]
Is It Time to Replace Your Eyeglasses?
Millions of people rely on glasses to help them see clearly or better. However, many people delay getting their eyeglasses replaced as needed. [...]
How to Protect Your Eyes From Blue Light
Blue light is all around us today. Prior to cell phones, blue light was only prevalent in televisions, for the majority of people. But today blue light is all around us. [...]
Got a Stye On Your Eye? Home Remedies, When to Call the Eye Doctor, and More
Styes are a small, localized infection affecting hair follicles or oil glands in the eyelid. The problem is relatively common among children, who are more likely to rub their eyes. [...]
Is My Child Too Young for Glasses?
Young children can have eye problems, too. Even children as young as 12 months may need corrected vision. [...]
Does Wearing Eyeglasses improve Eyesight?
Wearing glasses has numerous benefits, including correcting your vision and protecting your eyes from UV light. If you care for your glasses well, they can last for three years without replacing the frames. [...]
When Eye Floaters Can Be a Sign to Call the Eye Doctor for Help
They look like strings to some, cobwebs to others, and sometimes take on the appearance of bugs, specks, or spots. Their colors can range from white to black and every shade in between. [...]
Who is at Risk For Glaucoma?
Regardless of your vision history or any other special circumstances, it is typically advisable to have an eye test once annually. [...]
3 Reasons to Get Your Glaucoma Test
Glaucoma is a nerve degeneration that causes the central nerve connected from the eye to the brain to be damaged. Glaucoma tests can help to detect nerve degeneration before it is too advanced. [...]
Warning Signs That Vision Problems Might Be Developing
If you are worried that you might be developing eye problems there are certain signs you can look out for to determine if you might have visual
problems in the future.
Temporary Blurriness when Refocusing
You might find you have blurriness when you refocus your eyes, or when you [...]
5 Things You Need to Know About Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is an eye condition that disproportionately affects the aging population. Macular degeneration is a progressive disease that can lead to total blindness over a period of years. It sometimes begins so slowly that those who suffer from it often believe they're just experiencing normal age-related vision loss. [...]
Retinal Detachment 101 | A Brief Explanation of the Condition
Of all of the optometric conditions that can detrimentally affect the eyes, retinal detachment is one of the most worrisome. This condition can be related to age, but it can also be related to something like uncontrolled diabetes or an inflammatory disease. [...]
Are You at Risk for Macular Degeneration?
Macular degeneration is one of the more complicated diseases of the eye, but it is also a condition that can be associated with certain risk factors. [...]
What is a Detached Retina?
Retinal detachment is a serious condition because of the risk it carries for vision loss. The condition is not common, but it’s not exactly rare, either. If you think that you have retinal detachment, contact your eye doctor immediately. [...]
3 Tips to Reduce Eye Strain
If you read or work on the computer a lot, you know all too well about eye strain. Eye strain is caused when your eyes have to work a lot to view small details. [...]
What Causes Cataracts?
Cataracts are a type of physical condition in the eyes that causes cloudy vision. Left untreated, cataracts can lead to complete blindness. Cataracts form when the cells that form tissue in the lens membrane of the eye overproduces tissue. Cataracts can be removed by a professional eye doctor. [...]
Why Your Child Needs a Back-to-School Eye Exam
The American Optometry Association (AOA) recommends back-to-school eye exams as an essential element in helping kids in their classroom success. [...]
How Does Diabetes Affect Your Eyes?
If you have diabetes, you have a heightened risk for eye diseases and complications than those who don’t have diabetes. However, with regular eye exams, your eye doctor can detect and treat eye problems early, and help to save your vision. [...]
The Importance of Sunglasses in the Summer
The UV rays during the hottest months of the year are not merely irritating to your eyes, they can be downright destructive to them. [...]
What Are Dry Eyes?
Do your eyes feel dry and itchy? This is not uncommon, but it is also not normal. If you have dry eyes, it is always important for you to determine what’s causing it. [...]
What You Need to Know about Glaucoma
Did you know that glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness for people over the age of 60? Mayo Clinic reports that while it can occur at any age, it’s more common in older adults. Glaucoma is often an inherited condition. [...]
What Are Ocular Migraines?
An ocular migraine is a frightening condition that can leave you with temporary vision loss in one eye. It is sometimes referred to as a retinal migraine. Although some people also use the term "ocular migraine" to refer to visual migraines, the two conditions are not the same. [...]
Eye Health for College Students
Most college students keep such busy schedules that it's easy for them to overlook issues such as eye health, and many of them believe themselves to be too young to give potential eye problems serious consideration. [...]
Sunglasses for the Snow
Even when the weather outside is frightful, you still need to wear sunglasses in the snow. The bright white color of the snow reflects sun’s rays directly back up into your eyes and can cause snow blindness and sunburns of the eye. [...]
How Cold Weather can Affect the Eyes
Most people already know that winter weather wreaks havoc on the skin and hair, causing it to become dry, flaky, and brittle, yet few are aware that eyes also suffer when temperatures plunge. [...]
Conditions That Can Affect Your Eyes
Most people who enjoy good eyesight don't even think about it until the time comes when they begin to experience vision problems or pain and discomfort in the eye area. [...]
Types of Contact Lenses
Interested in contact lenses? Most people who require vision correction can wear contact lenses in place of or together with eyeglasses. Contact lenses are useful and beneficial to those who find that glasses give them headaches or to others who may be unable to wear glasses for their job. [...]
Top tips to prolong healthy vision
Vision loss is among the top 10 disabilities among Americans, according to the CDC. And, approximately 17 percent of Americans age 65 and older experience severe vision loss. Most Americans would rather lose their mobility than their eyesight. [...]
4 Signs of Vision Problems You Should Never Overlook
If you have any of the following symptoms, you should make an appointment to see your optometrist as soon as possible. Some problems with eyesight can be easily remedied by your optometrist, while others may require more extensive treatment. [...]
Dry Eye Test and Treatment Options in North Syracuse
Dealing with dry eyes on a frequent basis can interfere with your normal routine. The discomfort that this condition causes can make it harder to do everyday activities, such as reading. [...]
Protecting Your Eyes this 4th of July
On Independence Day, we gather to celebrate the United States through parades, barbecue, and, of course, fireworks. Unfortunately, while fireworks feel like an integral element of 4th of July festivities, they're incredibly dangerous. The U.S. [...]
Why Having Regular Eye Exams Is Important
Have you ever wondered why your North Syracuse optometrist is always encouraging you to get regular eye exams? It isn’t something that your New York eye doctor takes lightly, and you shouldn’t either. [...]