Is Blepharitis Easy to Treat?

Blepharitis is the medical term for irritated or itchy eyelids. As a general rule, it is a relatively easy condition to treat, though the treatment is typically more ongoing than a one-and-done solution. We’ll look at what you should know about the causes behind the condition and the common treatments for it.

What Causes Blepharitis?

Typically, irritated eyelids in North Syracuse, NY, can be traced back to poor hygiene. Bacteria in the eyelid will impact the eye’s natural balance and lead to irritation. However, it can also be caused by skin conditions like dermatitis or rosacea, particularly if the oil glands are too clogged to produce enough healthy tears to wash away anything from bacteria to allergens.

How to Treat Blepharitis

If you have blepharitis, the most common treatments include:

  • Cleaning/Compresses: Simply washing the eyelids a couple of times with a mild soap or shampoo can be enough to keep your eyelids healthy. Leaving a warm compress on the eyes for 5 minutes can also remove debris and potentially open the eyelid glands for healthier tears.
  • Artificial tears: Artificial tears will largely relieve the symptoms rather than stop them. However, if you have a particularly stubborn case, they can abate the dryness and irritation that you feel throughout the day.
  • Antibiotics: If your blepharitis is caused by bacteria, prescription eyedrops or ointments may be prescribed. For particularly severe cases, you may need to take oral medication.
  • Meibomian gland treatment: Your tears need both oil and saline to wash away the grit and the bacteria that can build up on your eyelids throughout the day successfully. Warm compresses can help treat clogged glands, but you may need more involved therapy to successfully unclog the glands that produce this important oil.

Find an Eye Doctor in North Syracuse, NY

Whether your condition is caused by allergens or bacteria, the right eye doctor can tell you more about what you can do to treat your irritated eyelids. At McPherson Optometry P.C., our staff will look for the underlying causes, making you less likely to have a recurrence. Contact us today if you’re looking for a reputable eye doctor in North Syracuse, NY, that can help.

What’s Causing Your Blurred Vision?

Does your vision suddenly seem blurry? While there could be a serious issue to blame, more often than not, blurred vision is not an emergency. So if you’re seeing things a little more out-of-focus today than yesterday, schedule an appointment with your eye doctor in North Syracuse, NY for a routine eye exam.

Common Causes of Blurred Vision

In rare instances, blurry vision may be a sign of stroke, elevated blood sugar levels, or eye injury. If you notice pain, swelling, eye irritation, or other uncomfortable symptoms that coincide with changes in vision, seek medical attention immediately. However, most of the time, blurred vision is not something to be alarmed about. It may be caused by:

  • Eye strain
  • Eye infection
  • Corneal abrasion
  • Nerve inflammation
  • Migraine
  • Normal aging

In these instances, your eye doctor in North Syracuse, NY may prescribe medication, rest, a new eyeglass prescription, or a temporary contact lens to correct the problem and alleviate discomfort. However, because vision problems may be an early indicator of a more serious condition, you should always be prompt in scheduling a checkup for blurred vision in North Syracuse, NY.

Uncommon Causes of Blurred Vision

In rare instances, your blurred vision could mean something more serious is going on. For instance, retinal detachment or transient ischemic attack. Retinal detachment occurs when the retina pulls away from the back of your eye, causing it to lose blood supply. Retinal detachment may have one of several causes, including:

  • Diseases such as advanced diabetes
  • Eye trauma or injury
  • Recent eye surgery
  • Eye disorders such as degenerative myopia
  • Genetics and normal aging

If your retina detaches and goes untreated, you could lose your vision in that eye.

A transient ischemic attack, or TIA, is a sort of mini-stroke that typically lasts for less than 24 hours. A TIA does not normally cause permanent damage, however, it does mean blood supply to your brain was interrupted. For this reason, you should seek immediate medical treatment if you suspect you’re having a mini-stroke.

Call McPherson Optometry Today

In the North Syracuse area, McPherson Optometry can help with blurred vision. Call today to book an eye exam and consultation with one of our experienced eye care professionals.