Got a Stye On Your Eye? Home Remedies, When to Call the Eye Doctor, and More

Styes are a small, localized infection affecting hair follicles or oil glands in the eyelid. The problem is relatively common among children, who are more likely to rub their eyes. However, styes can affect anyone and can stem from not properly cleaning contact lenses, wearing certain types of makeup, and a number of other everyday actions. If you have a stye, you may find some relief with home treatment, but you should also know when to see the eye doctor for help.

Home Remedies for Mild Styes

Mild styes can usually be treated at home and will subside in a few days. In general, you will need to keep your eyelid really clean and help encourage the oils trapped in the area to drain. Try to:

  • Avoid wearing eye makeup on your eyelids for a few days
  • Take the time to clean your eyelid with baby shampoo or mild soap and water a few times daily
  • Use a warm compress made of a wet tea bag to apply gentle pressure to the area
  • Massage the area with a clean finger gently

Avoid trying to scratch, pop, or poke at the stye. This may look like a pimple, but trying to squeeze the stye can actually make the problem worse.

When to Call an Eye Doctor for Help

Even though a stye will most often go away relatively quickly, occasionally, the small issue can become a more worrisome problem. You should reach out to the eye doctor for advice if:

  • The stye appears to be growing instead of getting smaller
  • The stye seems to be interfering with your ability to see because of its size or placement
  • The stye is not going away or you have repetitive problems

Common Treatments for Eye Styes

Eye styes that are not going away on their own may require further treatment from your eye doctor. The medical professional may prescribe topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics, or other forms of medicinal treatment. In extremely rare cases, a stye will need to be surgically lanced or removed.

Call a North Syracuse Eye Doctor for Help

While styes usually go away on their own, you may occasionally need to visit your eye doctor in North Syracuse for help. If you have issues with styes or other eye health concerns, reach out to us at Mcpherson Optometry to schedule an appointment.


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